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Archived News 2020

Translational Pilot Study Award

Dr. Sarder received a Translational Pilot Study Award titled "A framework for fusing histopathology and genomics features for diabetes diagnosis and prognosis" from UB Clinical and Translational Science Institute.

Talk by Dr.Sarder the Clinical-Pathological Conferences 2020

Dr. Sarder presented a talk titled “Large scale mining of urinary proteomics data guides AI to discover new digital image biomarkers for diabetic nephropathy classification” at the Clinical-Pathological Conferences 2020, Brazil.

Presentation by Brandon Ginley

Brandon Ginley presented a poster on our only abstract, “Prognostic glomerular morphometric phenotype discovery via clustering across large datasets,” at the ASN Kidney Week 2020 meeting virtually.

Talk by Dr.Sarder at University of Houston

Dr. Sarder presented a talk, “Computational renal pathology: Growing opportunities for engineers,” at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX.

Leema – MS Thesis

Leema Krishna Murali successfully defended her MS thesis work today.

Talk by Dr.Sarder at University of Missouri

Dr. Sarder presented a talk, “Machine vision for predicting disease trajectory from renal microanatomy,“ at the Deep Learning for Digital Pathology (DLDP) Forum, Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.