HistoLens is a standalone desktop software for quantitative evaluation of annotated structures in histological whole slide images (WSIs). Users are able to interact with their data through dynamic labeling, interactive figure generation, visualization of hand-engineered features, training a variety of classification algorithms, and generating annotations of histological lesions for downstream analysis.
Select References
S. P. Border†, J. E. Tomaszewski, T. Yoshida, J. B. Kopp, J. B. Hodgin, W. L. Clapp, A. Z. Rosenberg, J. P. Buyon, and P. Sarder, “Investigating quantitative histological characteristics in renal pathology using HistoLens,” Scientific Reports – Nature, vol. 14, pp. 17528:1–13, Jul. 2024.
Underline indicates corresponding author.
* indicates equal contribution.
§ indicates post doctoral associates.
† indicates Dr. Sarder’s graduate students.
‡ indicates Dr. Sarder’s undergraduate Students.